Start Here

This series will help you and I make the most of each new day. Each of the messages in this series will be taken from a story or a teaching from one of the gospels, so as we work our way through this series we'll be taking a closer look at who Jesus is, what he wants us to do, and what it means to follow him.

Start Here

Cast Your Net 1 of 6
Cast Your Net 1 of 6

Today we'll look at a story that highlights one of the most powerful spiritual principles that you'll ever learn. This lesson teaches, the failures of yesterday will lose their grip on your life and will give way to the promise of tomorrow.

Close The door 2 of 6
Close The door 2 of 6

We're in week two of our new series called Start Here. This week we'll talk about the second essential principle of starting over: You have to close the door on the past.


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